Body Form

  • Asana Library

    Inversion Asanas

  • - YogPlan

    Prone Asanas (lying on the stomach)

  • - YogPlan

    Seated Asanas

  • - YogPlan

    Standing Asanas

  • - YogPlan

    Supine Asanas (lying on the back)

Anatomical Focus

Muscle and Joints

  • - YogPlan

    Abdominal and Core Strength

  • - YogPlan

    Arm and Shoulder Strength

  • - YogPlan

    Calf and Ankle Stretchers

  • - YogPlan

    Chest and Lung Openers

  • Downward-Facing-Dog

    Full Body Engagers

  • - YogPlan

    Hamstring Openers

  • - YogPlan

    Hip Openers

  • - YogPlan

    Neck Relaxers

  • - YogPlan

    Pelvic Floor Engagement

  • - YogPlan

    Quadricep Stretchers

  • Cow-Face-Pose

    Shoulder Openers

  • - YogPlan

    Spinal Flexors and Extensors

  • - YogPlan

    Wrist and Forearm Strength

Spinal Movements

  • - YogPlan

    Extension (Backbends)

  • - YogPlan

    Flexion (Forward Bends)

  • - YogPlan

    Lateral Extension (Side Bends)

  • - YogPlan

    Rotation (Twists)

Yoga Therapy

Pain Management

  • - YogPlan

    Acute Pain Relief

  • - YogPlan

    Chronic Pain Management

  • - YogPlan

    Injury Rehabilitation

  • - YogPlan

    Migraine & Headache Relief

  • - YogPlan

    Nerve Pain & Neuropathy

Physical Health

  • - YogPlan

    Cardio-Respiratory System

  • Standing-Forward-Bend.white

    Digestive & Gastrointestinal Health

  • Plow-Pose.white

    Hormonal & Endocrine System

  • - YogPlan

    Lymphatic & Immune System

  • - YogPlan

    Musculoskeletal & Joint Health

  • - YogPlan

    Neurological & Mental Health

  • - YogPlan

    Ophthalmic Health (Eye Care)

  • - YogPlan

    Oral & Dental Health

  • Bridge-Pose-white

    Renal & Urinary Health

  • - YogPlan

    Skin & Dermatological Health

Reproductive Health

  • - YogPlan

    Female Sexual Health

  • - YogPlan

    Male Sexual Health

  • - YogPlan

    Menstrual Health & Menopause

  • - YogPlan

    Pregnancy & Postpartum


  • Firefly-Pose

    Anti-Aging & Longevity

  • Firefly-Pose

    Seasonal Adaptation

Mental and Spiritual

Awareness Spiritual

  • - YogPlan

    Energy Balancing

  • - YogPlan

    Focus & Cognitive Function

  • - YogPlan

    Integration & Mind-Body Harmony

  • egle-white

    Mindfulness & Awareness

  • Supported-Headstand-white

    Spiritual Growth & Self-Realization

Chakra Activation

  • - YogPlan

    Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • - YogPlan

    Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • - YogPlan

    Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • - YogPlan

    Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

  • - YogPlan

    Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • - YogPlan

    Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • - YogPlan

    Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Mental & Emotional Health

  • - YogPlan


  • - YogPlan

    Mood & Emotional Regulation

  • Cobra-Pose-01


  • Head-to-Knee-Forward-Bend-Pose-01

    Sleep Quality & Insomnia

  • Downward-Facing-Dog-01

    Stress & Anxiety Reduction

  • One-Legged-King-Pigeon-Pose-01

    Trauma & Emotional Healing

Difficulty Level

  • - YogPlan


  • - YogPlan

    Intermediate Yoga Poses

  • Firefly-Pose

    Advanced Yoga Poses

  • - YogPlan
